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发表日期:2016-08-24文章编辑:admin 浏览次数: 标签:    

热,闷热的,风流是热的。拥挤,真拥挤,每小我私家都在黑黑暗更强,因为担忧被抓住,狭长的走廊推449人,男,女,老,少,期待开门,有一个妖艳的激愤白马王子;在每个face…这是干了什么?等着看一个节目,不是时装演出,不是舞台剧,不是刘老根大舞台,然而砰的一声爆炸,不是两小我私家的演出,可是一群人。在谁人时候,我在想,假如是在家里,公司没人沈阳这样的网络仍然相信阿姨一边。什么原因?这样的情况使!情况发生什么气田,提出行为模式,使网站在海边,每小我私家都穿戴比基尼,没有以为有什么,假如你在冬天穿比基尼去逛商场在那边?你是奇怪的花。78年前,去四川观光,知道几个大姐,大连,年数50岁阁下,他们谈天把,这样分开对大度,我们仍然属于一系列新鲜猪肉,他们取笑我们一次容易,虽然只是在恶作剧。个中有去过泰国,泰国报告信息给我们。我听着,妈妈,这是老姑娘太阴谋企图也经典吗?汇报一小我私家利用JJ感想不确定,打乒乓球,踢足球,很多恶魔跳舞狂欢的revelry-rogues种种运行野生,是之前你白马王子,白马王子,她汇报同时,笑在同一时间浏览府后,我对她粘标签,不是有趣的想法。从她说这段经验后,她汇报什么故事,我以为风流的味道,本身是不厚道的,但我喜欢严肃的姑娘,总以为姑娘汇报黄Duanzi呈现很低。达到的时候我才大白她的吗?去泰国的时候!应该汇报,去过泰国的人,应该有了,只是各人都没有说大家,写下冷静地在心里,因为这是最主要的得到项目,泰国观光,观光社必需布置你去看,你要不要看欠好。有些工作,可以事情,不能说,所以中国哲学对这5个字:不要让人看到。下面的情况,没有人以为有什么疑虑,这是一个表示,每小我私家都很安静,男性队友和女性队友的人也是说有笑,说我应该有了78次,我看到这些对象一点感受没有,应该我的衰老原因吗?此刻,然背面一组,可以碰着一个女孩,没有成婚的譬喻,我老是喜欢讲家庭:悦目不?每小我私家的谜底都是差异的。有些人智慧,就会答复:我是近视的,看起来不清楚。一些更愚蠢的,直接回覆,knowledge< really, foreigner how so big. I go abroad for the first time even if arrive Thailand, went up so one class, when remembering becoming, I am so write, morality has applicable category, time category, geographical category. Give us driving driver for example, he has 3 wife, those who send us to go to the airport before today, he returned the home, incidentally the wife on take along sth to sb people, where do 4 their people sleep? In the baggage cabin that is bus car. See them, good harmony! In home, you may critically, be in abroad, you feel that is a kind of normal game regulation, the regulation that is us only is such, their regulation is in that way, do not have what. Person, be good at acclimatization especially. Arrive every time Badiya, no matter the tourist guide is male,still be female, everybody goes to total conference call together buy spring, everybody has say to have laugh, form a delegation, it is especially good that the family serves then, wash together sweet, want to take care of you to acme, the key still can record video to send you to make commemoration day. I did not go, they follow the … that I tell…They say to play, you forgot morality suddenly critically, as if they say a few people go out to drink together so poor and common thing, the tourist guide is female, have say to have for company laugh the ground they. One, RMB 1800 yuan. Have in the team 90 hind groups small, especially pure, still be small gain a favourite by sb in power, some time ago I still see he attends small gain to amount to person annual meeting, the overmatch on the network often is the weak in reality, without too much society experience, like to follow me, I am in rear guard the entrance, his for company I. He says, I like a tourist guide. I ask, how to like? He says, like very much very much. I ask, dozy she? He says, want, how to do? I say, sleep the person is to should pay price. He says, I understood. The following day, he was rejected ……I ask, how you profession? He says, I profession directly, say I like you, want to sleep. I say, your pig brain! You want to be paid first, understand not? Give the thing that buy a place, 1800 yuan of flowers that you should issue the province are on her body. He says, I said, I say 1800 yuan to the flower wants if I go, be inferior to you. I ask, how she says? He says, she disrelishs me is small P child, let me wash wash sleep. Stupidder than the pig! ! ! ! Did not hit you to give you outer part namely, she should ground of be ashamed into anger asks you: Do you become me what person? ! Before some year, I head a group all the year round, what person has been encountered, the man is a man, it is chameleon completely, different environment shows different color. Is there really good man? Have! Compare good man, I am arranged commonly with my room, because he does not go out to play, slept early, can guard the entrance, who seeks authority I cannot be found, can find him at least, I can tell him where I go to. Does good man rely on chart not? Also do not rely on chart, knew us an adjoining round schoolgirl, two people are nice went up, he is first time really off the rails, in the time that awaits schoolgirl arrival, he is quivering all the time, conversation is a trill. The key is, he is in the room HAPPY, I am in let mosquito bite two hours … downstairs…Really fierce, be the life that talked 115 minutes? When the return trip, we fly to Shenzhen, his daughter-in-law is received machine, we have a meal together, everybody some are too excited, chatting measure still is confiscated come back, his daughter-in-law asks him: You also won't search? He summary insecurity: I am done not have, my whole journey follows Dong Ge. I say, I prove, he had not gone out. His daughter-in-law laughed happily: I believe my husband is not in that way person. I say, your husband is absolutely and loyal, we pull him, his anyway does not go, always be talk about again and again that word, I cannot I am sorry my daughter-in-law. His daughter-in-law says, he not dare! Everybody evilly the whole room burst into laughter. He still has a few stories later with that schoolgirl, economically contact, cut ceaseless, manage is not suitable, daughter-in-law still should not become aware, he should be first time really off the rails, always want to exert all one's strength compensation other people, the other side copes with him can be do something one knows well then, turn what he plays all round. I am thinking, next time, he should be sophisticate, know to carried trousers to run. Because have the reason of WIFI, we always can attract a flock of youths, outside round, a young mother brings a child, child has 56 years old, one website construction looks even if herself comes out, and pure it is for the child. This thing is very strange, child pretty likes me. I also am done not have form, first child calls my uncle, make my teaching bad later, call my father far away. With my son about the same big, I know this age paragraph what is the child's focus, for example he likes to play top, like to play submarine, I can chat so that as if with him is to be the same as age person is so tacit, my son is dragging my hand to tell these with me every day, I was familiar with too. This mom surnames Europe this world. Look beautiful when, I disrelish heat, help everybody see a mobile phone outside, because the mobile phone does not allow to be taken, europe this world is taking the child to also cannot go in, with respect to prattle a little while. She asks: Man such? I say, in every case is outstanding the man, won't have a woman only. She asks, is there duteous man? I say, the man has two parts, it is a man, 2 it is the husband, it is the problem of first step only, it is for example inside domestic territory, the husband the first, man the 2nd, if broke away from domestic Shenyang website to build group of front courtyard activity, it is a man so the first, the husband the 2nd. Once the man is outstanding, attract a woman necessarily, if the woman is active, the man defends pants chatelaine very hard. She says, I hold crosscurrent. I say, your husband is exceptional. She says, yes. I say, every woman considers so. She says, my husband is exceptional really, he is special the man that bear the blame. I say, the associate that my wife follows her people also be so those who say. She asks, had you given course? I say, I am a car. She asks, these men how a model of domestic, go abroad an appearance? I say, it is real look, it is the environment differs only just, but if your husband comes, he won't go in for certain. She says, this, I am certain. Later, also do not have what be mixed again, added small letter, but the person that seeks me actively everyday is too much, the person that I search actively is too little too little, the friend does not meet, time is long, also faded from his memory slowly. Last week, europe this world looks for me. I ask, what thing? She says, I call in that word. I ask, which? She says, of fine man that. I ask, why? She says, original, he outside somebody. I ask, how plan? She says, I prepared to divorce. I say, the divorce indissolubles hate, you should hang by the neck is at the door his home, should let him all one's life shadowiness. She says, I cannot die, hate to part with the child. I say, marriage cannot leave, the time should pass how or pass how, this explains you grew, one of important signs of one individual maturity are a bit clearer: Probability nots allow to challenge. She says, I see an eye. I ask, are you still certain you are exceptional? She says, not was certain. I say, the man is the child, want to be being fooled, you obviously whats know, be about what to install not to know, let him feel do not appear you, must not gally child, you jump over gally he, he cheats you more, even he does not want to come home, think of the home feels be anxious, the bosom that still is a lover is more dependable, went. She says, I admire elder brother's wife really. I say, elder brother's wife can become sister-in law, have outstanding place for certain. That tourist guide of Thailand calls Miao Miao, professing is the 3rd acting foreign citizen of Chinese origin, looking actually is northeast old girl, just learning Thai to say Chinese hard just, she this kind of person belongs to black tourist guide, why black? Because, dispute law works. Is Thailand to the ground receives a tourist guide? Why should use black tourist guide? Because, thailand tourist guide is too weak, do the Chinese of errant Biao Han, so need asks outside help, chinese most know a Chinese, miao Miao rose so an action, will technically do us. How to do? Watch a show not? Shop not? If had been behaved, so how to go, maize fun opens … casually…If performance is bad, that can want fall out, when allocating a room to get stuck, who made money who gets the key, if are you handed in? That Is am sorry, do not give you the key. What the someone says is reasonable also, do you come a few money did Thailand just spend? Don't you consume travel agent of not let sb down? A few days ago, a friend that makes Thailand line for special use comes over, he says wholesale now go down, a quota of people is controlled 1800 yuan namely, cost wants 4000 much, rely on completely to bet. What to bet? Bet consumption! You think, you go wading Thailand, charter flight, whole journey is luxurious hotel, 7 days of 6 night, altogether just 2000 come a money, don't you consume not let sb down who? The place with moving respecting, miao Miao can cry. She says, if short of is consumed, her meeting come off sentry duty. Then, our collect money gives her: Did not cry, we are not consumed, give you money need not? She does not want! What do before Miao Miao? Hong Kong tourist guide. She says, those gem of Hong Kong, watch, cost won't exceed 100 yuan, return 4~6 to become … to outback travel agent…I always remember Zi rich that brother, go to Hong Kong spending 60 thousand yuan to buy with the group 100 Da Feili. Like me this is planted person, belong to sophisticate, you say what I buy, I can give you tip, but I am not bought namely, because I was bought,do not have a meaning, I need what thing really, I go to the airport duty-free inn is bought. Before setting out every time, I give everybody popular science ahead of schedule this: Not consume easily. Does everybody listen? Won't listen, tuition is little not, do the person that website company goes abroad every for the first time, can buy one caboodle thing, how to bar do not bar, their reason also pretty is correct: Go abroad, do not take bit of thing to kin friend? Yes! Should take a place! Arrived for example south Africa, don't you take bit of jewel? Haing haing ~~ so, the experience of everybody, belong to everybody only, it is to deliver what do not go out, because did not feel,be the same as experience, cannot realize experience engraft. Resource conformity增加,沈阳网站制作 做网站沈阳网站建设沈阳网站制作 做网站沈阳网站建设沈阳网站建设




日期:2016-08-24 浏览次数:


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日期:2016-08-24 浏览次数:



日期:2016-08-24 浏览次数: